5 card Stayman
This is used
when partner opens 2NT.
Very strong
hands (20+ HCPs,) which are essentially balanced but include a 5 card major
suit are best opened 2NT because they are unlikely to fit the requirements for
a strong 2 opening in that suit. ( playing tricks in a
rule of 25 hand.)
For example
The answer
is to open 2NT showing 20-22 HCPs, or if the hand is stronger to open an Acol 2§, and rebid 2NT.
There is now
the possibility that, in opening 2NT, you may miss a major suit fit if partner
has 3 card support for your 5 card suit.
5 card Stayman comes into play here –
it allows partner to check for 4 or 5 card major suits.
Opposite a
2NT opener, partner bids 3§ if holding 4 points and either 3 or 4 cards in a major suit.
2NT opener
3¨ Denying
a 5 card major suit but promising at least one 4 card major.
3© or 3ª Showing 5 cards in the suit bid
3NT showing no more than 3 cards in either major suit.
a 3D response both partners bid 4 card suits “up the line” until
a fit is found or 3NT is reached.
for a major suit fit before diving in to 3NT could save you a lot of
Also bidding
3NT direct tells the opposition that you do not have a 3 card major so it may
help them to find the killing lead.