NEVER bid your hand twice.


NEVER double for penalties without TRUMP TRICKS


NEVER bid opposite partners protective bid with less than 10 HCPs.


NEVER cash winners before setting up your own broken or aceless suit UNLESS you can see enough tricks for your contract, and losing the lead is associated with a serious threat


ALWAYS use the rule of 300 and 500 when considering a pre-empt (Or sacrifice)


ALWAYS meet the suit quality test for overcalls.


ALWAYS win the opening lead in the hand with lone honours in outside suits.


ALWAYS play “small towards honours”


ALWAYS play the “honours from the short hand first.”


ALWAYS aim to ruff in the hand with short trumps only.


ALWAYS lead the correct card from the suit you have chosen


ALWAYS lead through the strength in dummy


ALWAYS lead towards the weakness in dummy


REMEMBER – RULES are made to be broken, but rarely, and only after much thought.

NEVER forget to SWOT!