Exit Transfers

When opps double our 1NT.

The range of points available to responder is wide. Opener has 12-14 and doubler has 15+ so there are possibly 13 points with responder, and possible 0.

The weaker the hand the more likely that play in a suit will be successful.

Normally 9 points will be enough for 1NTX to make.

So the range 0-8 needs to be considered. This is a weak hand but 7/8 points is borderline and care is needed.

With a 5 card suit that is the suit of choice but it is better if the 1NT opener plays the contract as the lead will possible give an extra trick to declarer.

With a weak hand (0 – 6 HCPs) the conventional bids available to responder are as follows.

XX  says I have 5 Clubs.

2§ says I have 5 Diamonds.

2¨ says I have 5 Hearts.

2© says I have 5 Spades.

2ªsays I have 5 Spades and 4 Hearts.


1NT        X             PASS

PASS is the most interesting bid. It says I either have 9+ points OR I have a very weak hand with no 5 card suit. 1NT opener MUST XX.

Responder will now pass with points or will bid 2§/¨/©/ª which will be the lowest 4 card suit. The partnership should aim to find a 4/4 or a 4/3 fit at the 2 level.


“We never play in 1NTX!!”  “We either play in 1NTXX or in a suit at the 2 level”

(don’t panic – your opponents often do that for you J)