Michaels Cue Bids / Unusual 2NT

When opponents have opened the bidding and you are about to make an overcall,

 but have 2 five card suits to show......

A bid of their suit over a minor opening shows both majors

A bid of their suit over a major opening shows the other major and a minor

A bid of 2NT shows the lowest 2 unbid suits (often both minors).


 1H – 2H (Spades and a minor)

1S – 2S (Hearts and a minor)

1C – 2C (Hearts and Spades)

1D – 2D (Hearts and Spades)

           1H/1S – 2NT (Clubs and Diamonds)

1D – 2NT (Hearts and Clubs)
       1C – 2NT (Hearts and Diamonds)

Note – using these two conventions there are sometimes a combination it is not possible to show.

e.g. 1C/1D  the other minor and Spades. In this case you should always overcall the major suit if it is a good one.

The HCPs required vary with vulnerability and with the level you are forcing partner to show preference, but these bids always show quite weak hands. (6-12)

With good opening values you should DOUBLE first and show a suit afterwards.