Opening 4/4/4/1 hands

With a RED singleton  ©or¨

open the suit below the singleton

So with........





We have a singleton RED card so open the suit below it

= 1D

With a BLACK singleton  ª or §

open the middle of the other 3 suits

So with........





We have a singleton BLACK card so open the middle of the other three                   =1H                                                                        

Of course partner will not know

when you open that your hand is 4/4/4/1


following these guidelines you will find your rebid

more easily.


On the first hand if partner responds 1H your rebid is 1S


On the second hand above if partner responds 1NT – you can pass. If partner responds 2C you should rebid 3NT.


Points to Note........

·       4/4/4/1 hands are more difficult if you are very strong or very weak

·       Pass with a poor 12 HCP 4/4/4/1 hand

·       Don’t fall into the trap of opening your best value suit when holding a 4/4/4/1 hand. You will have difficulty finding a rebid


