Reverse Bidding
Whenever you are about to open the bidding you should decide whether your hand is weak or strong in your system
is weak if you have 12 – 15 points / Strong if you have 16+ points
the strength is outside the range or not of the right shape to open 1NT you
need to decide whether you should rebid another suit, or rebid NTs at the
correct level for your strength.
you open one of a suit, and for your REBID choose to introduce a new suit at a
level higher than 2 of the suit you opened, you are showing a STRONG hand. This
is because you are forcing partner who may only have 6 HCPs to show preference
to your first bid suit at THE THREE level!!!!
your hand is of the shape xxxx xxxxx xx xx you should open 1H and with 12-15
points rebid 2H, or 2NT if you are playing 5 card majors and a strong opening
need 16 HCPs to introduce the Spade suit.